Posts Tagged: Halloween


The Creepiest Party On The Block

Easy skeleton costume for Halloween with only makeup

Oh hey, come on in. 

Here we are again: Halloween weekend. (Or, pre-Halloween weekend. Could we please all agree that Halloween should fall on a Saturday one hundred percent of the time so that none of us have to deal with convincing four year olds high on Sugar Babies and mini Snickers that no seriously, it's time to go to bed?)

Aaaanyway, if you're having a Halloween party you're probably having it this weekend, so I wanted to share some shots of my son's (spooky) 5th birthday party, along with a few activity and recipe ideas.


The Great And Spooky Ghost Cake

I have turned into a person who fondants. It is, for real, one of the most fun evening activities ever, especially if you make a friend or your mom do it with you and drink copious amounts of pinot grigio while mushing icing into the shape of spiders.

I am aware that this looks impossible. Trust me, I have in the past found it to be so. Except at this point I have tried it a couple of times, and oh:



Spook Town

OK, so I spent the past three years living one town over from Sleepy Hollow - a.k.a. Washington Irving's town, a.k.a. where the Haunted Horseman lives, a.k.a. Halloween Central. They really know how to do the Halloween thing over there, so I was expecting this year to be a little bit of a downer, spectacle-wise.

I have never in my life seen a town get into Halloween the way that the town we went to for trick-or-treating (Los Gatos, where our friends live) does. There were light shows. Some kind of nuclear power reactor display with steam and alarms. Costumed locals performing a fully-staged Thriller dance. A Britney Spears I'm a Slave for You snake that licked me (thereby eliciting from me exactly the reaction you'd expect, which was panic).


What To Do With Your Leftover Halloween Candy? Make Snickers Magic Bars!

Want to see something really pathetic?

This is our Halloween candy bowl on Halloween night. See any kids crowded around it, happily selecting their favorite pieces? Neither do I.

See, what happened is that last year I was expecting to have no trick or treaters (because we don't live in a very trick or treating-friendly neighborhood, and also because it was raining), and didn't buy very much candy, and then at 10PM about five hundred teenagers showed up at my front door, requiring me to do a mad dash around our house in search of errant candy corn and such.


Happy Halloween!


(Don't worry, I didn't renege on my promise to be not-lame this year with the costume; the cat getup was just for my son's school Halloween party. The green face paint is happening in a couple of hours. Obviously pictures are forthcoming, but I have to warn you: I have a feeling that the overall effect is going to be much more "messy and weird" than "awesome and badass.")

Makeup & Beauty

DIY Pumpkin Pedicure

Happy Halloween! Here's a suggestion for what to do with that extra pumpkin you picked up at the patch (or that canned pumpkin puree sitting in your cupboard).

P.S. Skip ahead to the end for some of my favorite bloopers ever, starring Kendrick's acting skills.


Bucket List III: Sleepy Hollow Halloween

My neck of the woods (which is right next door to Sleepy Hollow, which you might recall as the place where the Headless Horseman himself lived) does Halloween REALLY well. Like, transforming-a-corn-maze-into-the-scariest-haunted-house-ever well. And since this is our last season as residents of HalloweenLand, I figured we should probably do it right.


I have a pretty low fear threshold at these live-action haunted house things, so I've developed a strategy for dealing with it when I really need, say, the lady with the bleeding eyes to get away from me RIGHT NOW. Did you know that if you act totally not-scared they look for someone more fun to freak out? It's true. So when I spot a creature on the horizon that I can't handle coming near me, I just immediately disengage and act all "whatever, I'm so totally over this" and there you go: Scary Thing has moved on to the person behind me (sorry, Diana).


Chocolate Pumpkin Seed Bark

I love candy corn as much as the next girl, but sometimes you want something a little less sugar-saturated on Halloween. Maybe even – dare I say it? – a tiny bit healthy (and no, I’m not advising you to hand out boxes of raisins to trick o’ treaters instead of Snickers bars – I’m not that much of a Scrooge).

Presenting: a festive – and at least semi-good-for-you – twist on a seasonal favorite. The dark chocolate contains antioxidants that help to protect your skin from UV damage and fight free radicals, and the pumpkin seeds contain zinc and selenium to help boost your skin’s collagen production and protect against environmental pollution. To get even more skin protection (yes, even in the cool weather), don’t forget to moisturize with an SPF-containing product like Simple Skincare Protecting Light Moisturizer SPF 15.

A dessert that’s addictively delicious and phenomenal for your face? Win.

Makeup & Beauty

Black French Manicure For Halloween

Ooh, I love this look. It's basically a mashup between a black manicure and a traditional French manicure, and works with pretty much any costume…but is still elegant enough to go to the office on Monday morning.

(Click here for lots more of my Allure segments, including how to make your red lipstick last, how to make your summer tan stick around, and tips for looking wide-awake when you feel anything but.)

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