
The Cake Emergency

The other day, I made a phone call to my friend Alisa – the one who helped me make this little masterpiece – that began with the words “Cake emergency! CAKE EMERGENCY!”

(You didn’t know cake-baking could be an emergency situation? Then you clearly haven’t been reading this website long enough.)

I was just starting dinner on Friday night when I realized that I had completely and totally forgotten that I had promised to bake a very fancy, very labor-intensive cake for my friend’s daughter’s birthday party the very next morning. I realized this because my friend sent me a text reading “So how’s the cake look?!” – to which I, of course, responded, “Great!”

The best way to explain the subsequent chain of events is by saying that it was kind of like Adventures In Babysitting, except with a cake instead of a stranded teenager. (And if you watch this video all the way through, I promise: the end is not one you will have seen coming.)

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