We’ve Got An Epic Halloween On The Horizon

Yeah, I know. It’s September. Don’t care; talking about Halloween anyway, because I am VERY excited about it this year. Largely because it’s going to be our first time trick-or-treating (last year it was rainy and cold, and our son was sick and seriously did not get the concept of Halloween yet, and I decided there were things I would rather do than drag a cold, not-into-it two-year-old in a wet Batman costume around our neighborhood). Trick-or-treating is the best, and our son is small and can only eat limited quantities of candy, which means: candy corn bonanza for mommy.

Every year I say I am going to dress up, and every year I end up all lazy and oh-right-Halloween-is-tonight, and put on my cat ears and call it a day.


I was going to wait until the day after Halloween and post pictures and leave you all shocked and awed about the spectacularness of the costumes I decided on for the four of us, and then I realized:

1. I’m just too excited, and I want to tell you my idea now in case you want to steal it; and 2. In the not-too-unlikely event that we end up looking fairly ragtag and not very much like the epicness that I picture in my head, I still get credit for at least having a glorious idea, if not a glorious execution.

Anyway. Want to see what we’re going to be?

THIS. (Minus the bodybuilder guy.)

We chose this because our son is completely obsessed with the movie, to the point where every single night, when we shut off the lights, we hear a tiny voice coming from the bed. “I want to talk to you.”

“What about, sweetheart?”

“About the green girl and the blue girl.”

Thereafter follows an extensive breakdown in three-year-old-speak about the intricacies of the dissolution of the relationship between Gamora (the aforementioned Green Girl) and Nebula (her blue-skinned estranged sister).

What’s that, you say? Guardians of the Galaxy is not an especially appropriate film selection for a three-year-old? Oh, I’m aware of that. Kendrick, as it turns out, is perhaps less aware of that, and assured me repeatedly, having seen the movie the first time on his own, that it would be totally perfect for our son. And so the three of us went to see it together, and except for the rampant violence and cursing I suppose he was right, because Indy is now OBSESSED.

And so, this Halloween, our son will be StarLord. I will be Gamora (a blonde Gamora, because wigs are expensive and itchy). Kendrick will be Groot. And Goldie?

She will be the raccoon. Except a raccoon in a bear suit, ’cause a bear suit is what I’ve got.

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