

Just a Few Cozy Recipes to Get You Through the Rest of 2017

Yesterday a news alert from PopSugar dinged my phone, announcing that I could totally cure my holiday "food hangover." With these seven healthy meals!

PopSugar, I love you, I do, but I have a question: WHY, exactly, might I want to cure my holiday food hangover when it happens to still technically be "the holidays"? And beyond that - speaking as someone who has worked in many, many bars over the years and who knows that how you fix alcohol-related misery is with more alcohol - you know how you *actually* cure a food hangover?

With butter.

Just A Little Encouragement

10 Fun (And Kind Of Weird) Ways To Use Up Your FSA Account


It's that time of year again: the time of year when you realize that you still have a bunch of money sitting in your FSA account, all unspent and ready to be snatched up by The Man. Now, my family actually has the magic ability to guarantee that there will be an ER trip in the days leading up to the new year - all we have to do is book a trip to Ohio, and bam: full-family stomach flus and broken bones abound), but unless you're similarly blessed, you might be wondering how to use up your tax-free health bucks.

First, here are a few important points to consider:


Meet Buffy

Both Kendrick and I are extremely particular about our sleep situations. He has the internal composition of a deep-freezer and is never, ever warm enough, and I am basically a walking, talking hot potato. (We get in a lot of fights over our bedding, in case it wasn't clear.) One thing we do agree on: the importance of a transcendently fluffy comforter - you know, the kind you find in fancy hotel rooms but can never seem to replicate at home (at least not without spending several hundreds of dollars)? That kind.

A couple of weeks ago, a friend who works for a company called "Buffy" emailed me to tell me that she wanted me to try their product: a comforter that they describe on their website as being "constructed like a cloud." The press materials elaborated on this, saying that Buffy was "poised to disrupt the bedding industry." This seemed a little dramatic to me.

I figured it'd be...you know...a nice comforter.


…At Least There Were Muffins?

Christmas trees! And MUFFINS! Glorious.

This year, the decorating process was a little…ahh…rough. I’d spent the entire previous day flat on my back with the plague, and when I emerged from my cave-bedroom I wasn’t exactly a bundle of joy. But ornaments and lights have a way of making you feel - if not “peppy,” perhaps - certainly festive.

As do muffins.


The Three Most Swoonworthy Doors In The Whole Wide World

kim lewis for rustica hardware door designs

Mood board by Kim Lewis of Extreme Makeover: Home Edition

Remember my sliding barn door from Rustica Hardware? The one I installed when we first moved in and discovered that the master bathroom sink was located directly next to where our heads would be when we were sleeping (ew)? It remains one of my favorite design features in our house to this day, and so when I decided that I wanted to turn our garage into a multipurpose room that would significantly expand our square footage, I asked Kim Lewis - who recently designed the most spectacular collection of statement doors for Rustica Hardware - if she'd be willing to help me figure out which ones would work best in the space.

What I wanted: An industrial-style sliding door to separate the laundry room from the rec room part of the garage, and then a second door separating the garage from the dining room area (the one there now is just a standard white door, and I felt like this was an opportunity to communicate that what's behind the door is worth seeing). The problem: the two doors will be located in close proximity to each other, so they have to communicate a similar vibe without being...the same.

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