And At The End, There Was Cleveland (Video)

Before I lay this bombshell on you, you might want to prepare yourself.

Ready to be blown away?


It REALLY sucks to fly across the country with two small children and a husband with a broken foot.

(I know. That was a shocker.)

To give you a sense of how this day went, let me tell you how it started. I woke up at 3:45 AM, put on my very best snowman costume, and started a cup of coffee brewing in the Keurig so it would be ready when I got back from walking the dogs in the pitch-black. When I returned, what I found was an overflowing cup and a kitchen absolutely flooded with coffee. Upon closer inspection, though, what I discovered was that the cup was not, in fact, overflowing at all. Nope, it was upside-down.

I put a mug in the coffee machine upside-down.

And I think it’s safe to say the day just went uphill from there.

I’ll let the video do the talking.

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