
All the Cozy Recipes You Need Right Now

Hey, did you hear? California’s in lockdown again. GOOD TIMES. So one thing’s for sure: This year Thanksgiving will look very, very different for most of us. It’s OK if you aren’t feeling particularly celebratory, and decide to just skip it – those emotions are 1000% valid and understandable. Thanksgiving has always been sort of a crapshoot holiday for us – sometimes we were with Kendrick’s family, sometimes we were with mine, sometimes were with friends  (and if you’re wondering whether looking at those posts I just linked to made me cry, the answer is: yes. obviously), and sometimes we crashed other people’s celebrations. So it’s not like there are any huge traditions that we’ll be breaking. But still: I miss my parents. You might be missing yours, too.

TL;DR, I think we can all agree that it’s not an especially jolly holiday season.

But! Hunkering down with some carbohydrates until this cursed year is over isn’t the worst idea I’ve ever heard, and Thanksgiving Week seems like as good a time to get started as any.

Shall we do a recipe rundown?!


Sides & Snacks

More Sides & Snacks

For The Days When You’re Just Feeling Cozy

Sweet Things

how to make a Paloma

…And Your Official Holiday Cocktail: The Paloma.

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