

It’s All Happening

The Ugh Fine sweatshirt from glam camp

Sweatshirt that nicely sums up my feelings about this "aging" thing

In celebration of the fact that I am about to turn 35 and am kind of weirded out by that, here are a few of the many (oh, so many) ways that I know that I am old:

  • I have to use toothpaste formulated for sensitive teeth because of my sad, sad gum situation (one that is, of course, entirely my fault).
  • I am more excited about the fact that I have managed to grow a tomato plant in my backyard than makes sense.
  • I take acid reflux pills, like an actual grandmother.
  • Yesterday, I googled the words "mayonnaise substitute."
  • The other night, Kendrick mentioned that his neck has been hurting him when he wakes up in the morning, and we had a serious conversation about whether orthopedic pillows might a worthwhile investment.
  • The music level in Abercrombie and Fitch makes me furious.

And, of course, there's the fact that I've spent the past few months realizing that I need to start consciously putting things into my body that are good for it, rather than whatever's in front of me and doesn't require a fork (usually macaroni and cheese, which totally counts as finger food). This, as you might have guessed, doesn't exactly come naturally, so what I've discovered is that it's best if I do that put-good-stuff-in thing sometime around 8AM, when I still care.


Photos Of Eggs (And What Was Really Happening)

Hard-boiled eggs with pyramid salt

This morning I was all "Hmmm I have no idea what to write about today." So I gave it a little thought while I walked Indy to school, and decided it would be a nice day to create some of those Pinterest-y Aren't I Aspirational And Elegant photographs with lots of white in them and bits of food inexplicably sprinkled around the table surface. And then Kendrick destroyed my plan by completely blowing my mind.

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