Posts Tagged: Style


Run To Broadway, Do Not Pass Go

Pictured above: my much-adored purple Juno heels, the toast of every single event I've ever worn them to (not a great picture, but trust: I cannot walk three steps in these things without getting stopped by someone wanting to know where they're from).


Fantasy Purchase / Luxe Leg Warmers

This fall, I have decided to mix things up from my usual uniform of minidress-and-black tights, and get all nutty and experimental with my legwear. I've been teased for my love of leg warmers for a couple of years now, and am pretty excited that my much-adored accessories have now entered the realm of the unmockable...


Rainy Day Coffee / Peppermint Park

For the first ten minutes of our meeting I sort of stared at Peppermint Park CEO Jessie Hector, trying to figure out where we had met before. But then we got to chatting about her employment history...and, oh yes, that's it: she was one of the contestants on the first season of The Apprentice...


More Pink Pony-ing / Lord & Taylor

With two of my favorite fellow bloggers, Sugarlaws' Katy and The Aspiring Socialite's Vicky, at yesterday evening's Ralph Lauren event celebrating Lauren Pink, a new line of sportswear and home products created exclusively for Lord & Taylor to support Breast Cancer Awareness Month.

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