Posts Tagged: Style


Now About This Rain…

The only things about rain that make me crazy are 1) walking the dogs in it (Virgil turns into a mudball and Lucy takes one step out the door before letting me know in not-moving form that she'd really prefer to stay inside, thanks), and 2) the fact that I don't own any even vaguely rain-appropriate (or, for that matter, snow-appropriate) footwear.


Lord & Taylor Ultimate Face-Lift Event

So I kind of screwed this one up. Apparently Ciara, Denise Richards, and Jessica Szohr were in attendance, but I was running late and ended up missing them. Which is really too bad, because I would have liked to congratulate Ms. Szohr on the very excellent Piranha 3D (not kidding).


Winifred Grace Press Preview

My jewelry box was stolen a few years back (when I was living in West Hollywood), and pretty much everything "nice" I owned (mostly family hand-me-downs) was in it, so since then I've been sort of gradually amassing a mini collection of vintage pieces mixed with affordable stuff...

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