

We Have Light! (Video)

When you buy a house without ever having actually seen it in person, it's reasonable to expect a few little surprises to come your way...and yup: on our first night in our new place, I discovered something pretty unexpected.

There was no light.

Like, none.


…And Here We Are (Video)

We're heeeeeere! We're here we're here we're here.

I went a little MIA for the past three days because...well, because "busy" is a little bit of an understatement, but also because I didn't have Internet. But now I do, whee. So I'm back! Hi.

I love it here.


Packed And Ready To Go (Video)

how to pack up your house

Over the weekend, I discovered a previously unknown talent of mine.

I am really, really, bizarrely good at taping up boxes.

I know this may not sound like an especially noteworthy talent, but both Kendrick and my mother, upon seeing me attack a box with a roll of tape, said something to the effect of, "Whoa. You're pretty efficient there" (or, to be more precise, Kendrick said "Holy s--t, what are you doing to that box?").


How To Stage Your House For Sale

how to sell your house home staging get more money

So...we found a house.


Yaaaa! (Oh, let me tell you: there have been tears these past few days. Good ones, because we found a house that we love, and slightly less-good ones, because we have never actually set foot in said house, making this purchase a mildly stressful one. But mostly good ones, because I thought this was going to be impossible, and it very nearly was, and now: house!)

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