

How I (Finally) Got The Closet Of My Dreams (Video)

I have spent years - yearrrrs - whining about my closets. From New York City apartments to Colonial homes (which notoriously have zero closet space for some historical-but-unknown-to-me reason), I've just never even come close to having enough space for my stuff.

Finally, we have closets. But when we moved in we quickly realized that even though the space was technically there, the closets weren't organized in a way that let us take advantage of it.

So? Makeover.


Major Makeover: How I Turned A Tiny, Unused Bonus Room Into The Most Efficient Space In Our House

Now THIS is the one I've been waiting to show you. When we first started looking for a new home, I knew that I wanted some kind of office space/playroom adjacent to the living area, so that the whole family can still hang out together when we're all doing different things. And the house we ended up in did have a (very) small bonus room, but it didn't open onto the living room, and felt stuffy and oddly proportioned, so it basically ended up becoming a receptacle room for all the stuff we didn't know what else to do with.

A trash dump, in other words.

Not ideal.


Presenting: The Great Barn Door Makeover (Video)

OK, so THIS was an exciting one.

See, the master bedroom in our new place was kind of weird. I mean, I loved most of it when I first saw it - the windows, the breeze, the proximity to the pool, et cetera - but what I did not love about it was the fact that the bathroom was kind it.

You'll see what I mean in that video up there. Our sink was basically next to my head. It gave me the icks.


Retiling An Entryway: Before And After (Video)

blue tile encaustic cement

(Watch through to the end for a serious Goldie cameo.)

I've never had an entryway before. I mean, I've had doors that you walk through, and I guess the area on the "inside" side of those doors could technically be referred to as an "entryway," but in our Manhattan apartments those spots were really just "the living room." And in our Tarrytown place, the front door more or less opened directly onto the stairway, which was sort of weird (and sort of inconvenient, because it meant that there was also no coat closet, and if there is one thing you definitely need in Westchester it is a place to store your enormous, down-filled winter coat).

And now?

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