

I Made the Disneyland Churro Tots!

I would like to announce that I am really leaning into this Quarantine Cooking thing. (Sidenote: Are we still under quarantine? To what extent, precisely? What are the rules, and where are the grownups who are supposed to be telling us what the rules are at any given moment? And WILL SOMEBODY TELL US WORKING HUMANS HOW TO HANDLE THE TOTAL AND COMPLETE ABSENCE OF DAY CARE FOR THE FORESEEABLE FUTURE THX.)

But food, right.

I'm not ordinarily a huge kitchen-experimenter, but I'm actually having a lot of fun (fun! remember that?!) trying out new techniques these days. I've made a big batch of homemade ramen every single weekend for the past month - this weekend the plan is to try to achieve a tonkotsu-style broth - and have whipped up rainbow cakes, pancake cereal, and banana breads for days (obvi). So when my friend texted me that Disney had released their "secret" churro recipe and that the ingredients were all things I happened to have laying around, I was on that within minutes.

Before & After Renovations

Does Peel-And-Stick Tile Really Work?

Those kitchen floors were no bueno. 

When I first moved into this place, I resolved to keep all my MUST! RENOVATE! HOUSE! tendencies in check. It's a rental, and it's one that's going to be torn down whenever I vacate it (which will obviously be...ahhhh...later than expected, as my down payment money has been evaporating by the day, WHEEEEE). But I am still a firm believer in fixing the things you cannot abide, even in a rental - because you live there. And one thing that I knew I'd have to fix here was the truly abominable linoleum floor: It was chipped, and stained, and made the whole kitchen/dining area - otherwise the loveliest part of the house - feel dark.

Random & Weird Experiments

Strongly Suggest You Try Making Peepshi

Such a fun weekend project!

Hahahahahahahaha remember when weekends existed? It's Tuesday; seems like as good of a day as any for a ludicrous, labor-intensive edible project involving enormous quantities of sugar.

Okay. Now that we've established that you're making Peepshi, because of course you are, let me tell you how to do it. This geniusness was originally created by Serious Eats, but now that I've made one batch and am thus clearly an expert, I'm going to tell you the little discoveries that I made over the course of the Peepshi-making process that I thought were extra wonderful.


Ridiculously Delicious Bibimbap (With a Fried Egg)

Oh. My god. You guys, this may be one of the most delicious meals I have ever made. I've been ordering Hello Fresh to keep some variety in our diets (and to keep me out of the supermarkets as much as possible), and last night's recipe - which I put a little bit of my own spin on, because eggs sounded like an excellent addition - was spectacular. It's also easy! And inexpensive!

Translation: This recipe is now in our regular weekly rotation.

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