Monthly Archives: August 2013


Nyack Night

Sometimes, when I am very sleepy or scattered, I ask Kendrick to take a quick look at what I've written before I hit "publish". I just asked him to do that with this post, and this is a decent approximation of the look he gave me:

Here is what I thought seemed like a good idea to put on the internet:

"Kendrick arrived home on Friday afternoon, and the second - I mean tersecond - he stepped through the doorway, two things happened:


Cucumber Yogurt with Mint & Olive Oil

Doesn't that just look like a perfect storm of good things?

Last weekend, when we were wandering around the city, Kendrick and I passed a little frozen yogurt shop and peered in the window to read the menu of specialty concoctions. I was confused for a moment as to why anyone would put cucumber and olive oil on frozen yogurt (not that that's necessarily a bad idea, just a slightly confusing one), and then realized: oh. Not a frozen yogurt shop. A yogurt yogurt shop. (Chobani, specifically.)

We ended up continuing on our way without going in, but I kept thinking about that cucumber and olive oil yogurt all week long, and so today I thought I'd give it a shot myself.


New Nudies

Not that kind of nudie.

This kind.

Francesca and I found the pair of nude flats pictured above during a shopping trip when she was visiting last January...and I've worn them so much over the past few months that they've fallen apart. Like, they are literally in pieces. I was going to take a photo just because it's actually funny how completely destroyed they are (and funnier still that I was wearing them up anyway until two days ago), but I can't find them anywhere. Maybe they went and threw themselves out because they were tired of waiting for me to do it.


Get It Done

(Re-posting this ridiculous video because of high relevance to what I'm talking about below. Also because it's ridiculous.)

OK, so Kendrick's been an official full-time student for about three weeks now.

And while life hasn't made a 180 or anything - things are more or less clicking along as usual - there are definitely some differences between what life was like Before Grad School and what life is like During.


RG Reader Shopping Spree At T.J.Maxx

It’s always exciting when I get to meet someone who reads Ramshackle Glam in real life: in the playground, at a restaurant, walking down the street. But never before have I had the opportunity to not just meet a reader…but to spend an entire morning hanging out with her, combing through the racks in search of a whole new fall wardrobe for her to bring home. So much fun.

Last week, I met up with Katie (the winner of my personal styling contest) at the midtown T.J.Maxx, and together we created three looks that both encapsulated her unique style and incorporated some of this fall's top designer trends.


Panama In The City

Every autumn (and I'm going to call this "autumn" even though it's eighty degrees outside because Labor Day is about thirty seconds away), it appears that I establish a uniform.

I think it's just that every time September rolls around there's some "thing" - whether that's a pair of jeans, a sweater, a leather jacket, whatever - that I've been wanting to wear for months, and now that the weather's turning I can.

And so I do. Every day.

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