

Holiday Gift Guide: (Still) At Home

Soma Pajamas | Sunday Somewhere glasses

Welp, here we are! Still.

As much as this year has been all the awful things (like literally all of them), I have to say: I've loved the total and utter absence of FOMO. Truly, all I ever wanted to do on a Saturday night was drink a bottle of wine while watching Bachelor in Paradise reruns, and now? That's all ANYONE does! It's enormously validating, and I dread the day when I once again feel like I really *should* put on a pair of pants (ew) and actually...leave the house something (shudder).


Still We Rise

On this day in 2016, before we knew.

Four years ago to the day, I tucked my daughter into bed, and she asked me to snuggle with her. I laid down next to her and petted her head, listening to the faint sounds of cheering when Hillary won Virginia, and whispered to her, “Are you a boy or a girl?”

“A girl,” she answered.


How To Traumatize Your Children


The woman who lives across the street from me passed away yesterday. She was sweet and lovely, and every day when I walked the dog past her place I’d see her listening to the radio at her dining room table, and wave at her. She was very, very old, though, so when a bunch of police cars and an ambulance pulled up at her house with their lights on, but no sirens, I was sad, but not surprised.

I thought about her all day, and when I fell asleep last night I ended up dreaming about her. In my dream, I opened a door in my bedroom that I’d never noticed before, and on the other side was a huge, dark field, with the woman standing in the middle of it. So when I was awoken by the sound of something very, very large banging against the side of the house, I was already primed to be freaked the fuck out.

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