

How To Save America

Go to VoteSaveAmerica. Right now. I've been looking at tons of different online resources so that I can provide you guys with the easiest, most straightforward information you need this election season, and this is it. At VoteSaveAmerica, you can:

  • Register to vote (or double-check that you're registered - voter suppression is real, kids)
  • Volunteer to adopt a state that needs your help getting people to the polls (or to the mailbox)
  • Donate (and see exactly where your dollars are going)
  • Access a couldn't-be-easier state-by-state voting guide (vote early PLEASE)
  • Find a job! Doesn't saving the world sound like a good career opportunity?
  • Find a voting event near you


Links & Love & Stuff

Lue Health is a truly game-changing new startup that lets you monitor your health using at-home urine testing strips and a super-simple app that analyzes your results within seconds. Genius.

Turns out an oversized sweater vest is somehow exactly what I want to wear for fall. Weird, but true.

Harbor Cheese offers virtual cheese-tastings, with each ticket including 2lbs of various cheeses (!!!) and classes capped at 15 for an intimate experience. ...Can I do this...tonight?


Interview: The Mental Illness Happy Hour

A sampling of what Paul Gilmartin and I talked about in this week's episode of Mental Illness Happy Hour:

Sexless marriages: "You're dealing with your massive burden of emotional labor, plus the societal burden of being skinny, and beautiful, and hairless, and eternally nineteen years old, while also tiptoeing around egos. Of COURSE you don't want to sleep with your husband. Under what circumstances is that sexy or fun?"

How to talk to your young sons about toxic masculinity: "You are not bad. The culture surrounding straight white masculinity has become toxic, and part of your job is to be an example of the opposite kind of man."


A Cure For Your Horrifyingly Dull Knives

Did you know you could be embarrassed by your knives? It's true. Three years ago, Alisa and Erin came over to cook paella at my house, and they were both horrified - truly horrified - at the extreme dullness of virtually all of my knives.

What's that? I should have sharpened them...ever?

Please, that would be far too responsible of me.


Three Apps Both My Kids And I LOVE

I am not an app person (except for Doodlejump; goodness, I love it). So when my son started getting into them, I was both perplexed ("how does") and nervous (what if he spends too much money? what if he fills up my entire phone? what if I look away for a second, and all of a sudden he's being shown NRA ads during commercial breaks?). But it turns out that the apps my son gravitates towards are amazing - so amazing that we literally spend hours (!) every single weekend (and, ok, some mornings, before my daughter wakes up) laying in bed playing them.

Consider this a PSA. Your kids will love these, and so will you.

Super Brain. This app asks you to solve riddles that require abstract thinking and somehow are equally suited to an eight-year-old I can actually feel myself growing smarter with this thing (and the fact that my son is way better than me at it is both depressing and wonderful).

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