

Love and Kids’ Rooms

Our old (old, old) living room, 2009.

Several lifetimes ago (by my count), I wrote my first of what turned out to be hundreds of posts that loosely fall into the "Diary" category - the missives about parenting, about anxiety, about divorce that I've posted here over the years. This first one, though, was about something a little different. A little more...tactile.

It was about my living room. The living room that I shared with Kendrick (and Lucy, and then later on Virgil and our infant son) when we lived on the Upper East Side.  It was a wild, messy mix of hand-me-downs from my parents, pieces we'd found discarded on the street and fixed up with varying degrees of success, and the occasional element of inexplicable drama (chalkboard fridge! graffiti-covered chest of drawers! insane bird wallpaper!).


Easy Tips For Staging A House

My house, all staged and ready to be sold.

Here's a fun little career development as of late: I've started doing digital marketing and strategy for realtors. Mostly what that means is that I help them develop their digital channels - SEO optimize their websites, establish their social aesthetic, etc etc - but in the cases of clients that are local, I've also been helping with the actual, physical, staging-of-spaces in advance of photographing them and putting them on the market.

Read: Everything I Know About Buying And Selling Houses

Crafts for the Uncrafty

Unicorn Ice Cream Cone Cupcakes

Before I begin, let me say that my participation in this insanely adorable endeavor was purely as a sous chef; these creatures are my friend Erin's creation from top to bottom. But even though I cannot take credit for them, they clearly need to be blogged about.

They are cupcakes. Made in ice cream cones. With unicorn horns. AND EYELASHES.

I mean.

DIY Projects

The Saga Of The Single Missing Sock

Don't worry, I'm not going to tell you to participate in this insanity.*

Alright, but seriously: Where do the socks GO? Wherrrrrre? (Maybe Lucy eats them...?) I am certain that you feel me on this, because The Single Missing Sock appears to be a universal problem. It's one I've tried to solve at various points over the years - most recently by allowing every single sock to stay in the laundry basket upon being cleaned, presumably awaiting reunion with its mate. And yet?

The mates never showed. And so I was left with a small city of single socks partying in the bottom of my laundry basket.


Giveaway: Hungryroot & Made In Cookware

Giving away a fun little Spring kitchen refresh over on IG, and wanted to make sure I posted it here too in case y'all want to enter. 5 winners will receive a week's worth of Hungryroot, plus the (gorgeous) limited-edition made in pan pictured above. ⁣⁣

A reminder about how Hungryroot works: You tell them what you’re into and how often and when you’d like deliveries, and they send you over a box full of nutrient-dense, clean-ingredient, mostly plant-based (and, somewhat inexplicably, extremely delicious) food that can either be eaten as-is, or can be cooked up in – I kid you not – like two minutes. You can integrate what they sent into your own meals, or combine them to come up with tons of different recipes.

And Made In is a new discovery of mine, but I'm super into the products: The company's goal is to make high-quality cookware accessible to everyone, and their pots, pans and chef's knives are both functional and gorgeous.
Here's how to enter:⁣⁣
1. You must be following @ramshackleglam ⁣⁣
2. You must be following @hungryroot⁣⁣
3. You must be following @madein ⁣⁣
4. Tag a friend for an extra entry ⁣⁣

Open to US residents only; 5 winners will be picked at random on Sunday, 4/28.

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