Posts Tagged: Gift Guide


The Ramshackle Glam Gift Guide for Teacher People 2023

I get a little stressed out about what to do for my kids' teachers around the holidays. I want to make sure that they all feel appreciated…but I also very much don’t want to offend anyone (by, say, skipping someone I really should have given a gift to, or giving something that I think is thoughtful but that isn’t especially welcome).

So I went straight to the source, and asked a former elementary school teacher, Olivia (now the founder of Fresh Starts Registry) to tell me the honest truth about teachers and holiday gift-giving.

P.S. It goes without saying that the number one gift pick for teacher people, IMO, is this.


The Ramshackle Glam Gift Guide For Besties 2023

Okay, maybe these gifts aren't for besties *quite* as short as the one pictured above, but you get the point. These are mid-range priced gifts that, IMO, any one of the incredible ladies in my and your life (myself included) would absolutely adore.

P.S. If you're wondering what those amazing gloves my daughter is wearing in that pic are, they're Freezy Freakies, and IYKYK (East Coasters from the '80s, heyyyyy!).


Holiday Gift Guide: Stuff To Do (Because #Lockdown)

It's funny, how we can think back and divide the past year into super-distinct phases. There was the "spraying my vegetables with Clorox" phase. The banana bread phase. The puzzle phase. The Zoom learning-curve phase. Something involving fluffy coffee that I never quite got into. That moment when all parents made carefully color-coded wall calendars for their kids, only to abandon them within the week.

I made ramen.



Holiday Gift Guide: Gifts for the Single Mom (Still in Quar)

holiday gift guide single mom quarantine

Hi, Olivia here! Every year I curate a special gift guide for Ramshackle Glam and when Jordan and I were brainstorming this year's topic, I knew exactly what I wanted to do. (Here's last year's guide for the work at home mom.)

Know what's more fun than living through a pandemic? Also going through a divorce during said pandemic! And by fun, I mean, it's not fun at all and is emotionally draining to the core of your soul. Happy Holidays!

If you have a friend or sister in your life doing the parenting thing on her own, it's high time to pamper the hell out of her - from a safe distance, of course. Below are my picks for the perfect little gifts for the divorced mama in your life.


Holiday Gift Guide: Maximum Coziness Edition

Give me all the sweaters and twinkle lights and in-bed dining trays and give them to me eight months ago

As I said in this post, I've personally really leaned in to the whole "never leaving the house again, ever" aspect of the past year. Because really: If you ask me to choose between Sugarfish in bed, as pictured above, and Sugarfish in a crowded restaurant filled with strangers wearing things like high heels and makeup...ummmmmm...



Holiday Gift Guide: (Still) At Home

Soma Pajamas | Sunday Somewhere glasses

Welp, here we are! Still.

As much as this year has been all the awful things (like literally all of them), I have to say: I've loved the total and utter absence of FOMO. Truly, all I ever wanted to do on a Saturday night was drink a bottle of wine while watching Bachelor in Paradise reruns, and now? That's all ANYONE does! It's enormously validating, and I dread the day when I once again feel like I really *should* put on a pair of pants (ew) and actually...leave the house something (shudder).

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