Posts Tagged: bucket list


Bucket List VII: Food Adventure In Queens

Oh hey there guys.

A couple of weeks ago my Instagram friend (by which I mean a person who I feel that I know extremely well because I follow her on Instagram, but whom I do not actually know at all) Alexis posted about a Northern Chinese restaurant she went to in Queens called Golden Palace. And in that post, she called it a "food adventure." So: restaurant googled; trip planned.

Northern Chinese, at it turns out, is a totally different thing than the Chinese food I'm used to (primarily Hunanese, Sichuanese, and Cantonese). It's not one of the "Eight Great Traditions" of Chinese cuisine, and is considered sort of less refined by Southerners (which apparently has more to do with political and economic differences between the regions than the quality of the actual food, because it's totally as interesting - and delicious - as what you find in neighboring areas).


Bucket List IV: Philly Day Trip

#roadtripping to Philly!

I've been to Philadelphia to meet with my publisher a few times over the past year or so, but it's always a quick in-and-out trip; a stop into the office, a nearby lunch, and then back in the car for a mad rush back up the Garden State Parkway to get home in time for dinner. I did do the whole cobblestone streets/historical landmarks/mustard pretzels thing way back in the fifth grade, but my major takeaway from that particular visit is the fact that Francesco told me that he liked Sarah better than he liked me, so: time for a return trip.


Bucket List III: Sleepy Hollow Halloween

My neck of the woods (which is right next door to Sleepy Hollow, which you might recall as the place where the Headless Horseman himself lived) does Halloween REALLY well. Like, transforming-a-corn-maze-into-the-scariest-haunted-house-ever well. And since this is our last season as residents of HalloweenLand, I figured we should probably do it right.


I have a pretty low fear threshold at these live-action haunted house things, so I've developed a strategy for dealing with it when I really need, say, the lady with the bleeding eyes to get away from me RIGHT NOW. Did you know that if you act totally not-scared they look for someone more fun to freak out? It's true. So when I spot a creature on the horizon that I can't handle coming near me, I just immediately disengage and act all "whatever, I'm so totally over this" and there you go: Scary Thing has moved on to the person behind me (sorry, Diana).


Bucket List II: New England Leaves & Lobster Rolls Trip

I've been visiting Ogunquit, Maine pretty much every summer since I was four years old, so there was no way we were moving without one last trip up north (as a bonus, I had a credit at the hotel I had booked - and then had to cancel - for a vacation over the summer).

October in Maine - or anywhere in New England - is obviously beautiful, but the benefits of visiting during this time of year go beyond the leaves. Sure, it might be a little chilly…but the cooler temperatures mean that hotels that usually run $400+ a night are more in the $100 range, that you can get a lobster roll without waiting on line for an hour, and that the beaches are still gorgeous…but completely empty, perfect for seagull-chasing and such.


The Bucket List

We have only a little over half a year left as residents of the East Coast, so Kendrick and I have made a decision: it's choose-your-adventure time.

The thing is, as (relatively) new parents you spend a lot of time saying "Oooh, that sounds fun!" and then not doing whatever it is, because you can't find a babysitter/it's too hard to get out/you're exhausted (and once your kids are finally in bed you would really rather lay on your couch and stare at the television than do anything else). It's very easy to put stuff off until later.

Except we don't have a ton of "later" ahead of us, so it's time to start with the yes-ing.

We're doing it. All of it.

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