

Nine West + InStyle: The Collaboration

InStyle is hands-down my favorite fashion magazine, mostly because they do an amazing job of blending fantasy with the real world, and show you actually what to buy and actually how to wear it. As the authority on what real women wear, it makes a ton of sense for the magazine to get involved in the process of creating pieces themselves...but did you know that InStyle has never ventured into the world of retail? Never ever ever?

Likewise, there's Nine West: well-priced, stylish, and wearable in real life (I'd say about 50% of my shoe wardrobe comes from the store). The brand has done some amazing collaborations in the past - Kirna Zabete, Pamela Love, Sophie Theallet - but never before has it collaborated with a major media outlet. Never ever ever.

So this collaboration is very first-of-its-kind.

Very exciting.


Our Wedding (In Three Minutes)

I've been meaning to share this (obviously rather old) video for awhile now - and was reminded of it last weekend, when Kendrick's college friends sang at a wedding that we attended. I just love these guys, and think it's so cool that they always perform at big events in each others' lives; the moment when they sang at our ceremony (at around 1:32 in the video) was one of the best moments of my life.

We didn't have an actual videographer - this video was taken by a family friend on a point-and-shoot camera - but I love it even more because it's not polished and perfect; it's just exactly how it was. (There's a longer version as well, but I thought I'd post something a little more bite-sized.)

Happy Friday; hope you have a lovely weekend!

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