

Creating A Coffee Table Display (In The Real World)

I've seen those gorgeous "how to style your coffee table" tutorials, too. Thing is, I don't own a carefully curated selection of stunning art books. Any adorable little trinkets that I set out may or may not be immediately shattered. And I have sixty thousand remotes, all of which are apparently necessary to make our television function (whyyyy?).

So as lovely as those tutorials are, they do not apply to a life that contains far more toy cars than crystal candleholders.

Presenting: my kind of coffee table display.


The To-Do List

It is so weird doing all the last-minute baby prep things that I thought I'd be doing actually at the last minute…right now.

One Type A-ish thing that I did before Indy arrived: I took on all those annoying, time-consuming projects that really have to get done at some point but definitely are not going to get done in the presence of a newborn. Like backing up my computer and organizing my millions of photos; compiling a list of addresses to send out birth announcements; cleaning out the pantry. Stuff so boring that it makes me want to cry…but that won't even register on the scale of possible undertakings for a good six (ok, twelve) months post-baby-arrival.

Getting all these tasks done in advance ended up being such an enormous mind-settler the first time around that I decided to do the same thing before Goldie gets here.

Which means I'm doing them - all of them - this week. While packing and finalizing ten million pieces of paperwork that need to get to California before we do and doing book edits. And not sleeping, but that's OK; I'll sleep later, when my children are teenagers and I have at long last figured out how to explain to my dogs that "sunrise" does not translate to "time to begin maniacally licking Jordan's leg and barking at walls."

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