
Lust Object: Crazy Strappy Amazing Boots

{ Mill Valley, California }

Stuart Weitzman Boots | Zara Camo Jacket (similar)

On Sunday, we drove up to Mill Valley for bahn mi (seriously, the bahn mi place there is good enough that it merits an hour and a half drive…and the drive also presents a way to get the kids to take a nice, long, simultaneous nap, so that’s a bonus). We didn’t take many photos – just the two you see here, of us sitting in something called a “Gravity Car” – because we weren’t doing all that much; just wandering and eating and occasionally stopping into a store. It was a peaceful, largely uneventful day.

Except for the boots.

There’s this one store on Throckmorton (a detail that I’m mentioning only because “Throckmorton” is fun to say): it’s actually called “The Store,” and every time I wander past I sort of drag my feet and stare longingly through the windows like a lost pet. There’s no point in going in, really: it’s all, like, cashmere Current/Elliott sweaters and other things I should not be buying. But every time we pass it, I go in anyway. “Just to take a peek.” You know.

Anyway, I saw these boots, and instantly got all weird about them. And despite the fact that boots are literally the last thing I need more of (okay, except perhaps for loose-fitting grey sweaters), I seriously considered buying them, because they’re THAT good. (They’re even better than they look in the photo above; I don’t know why they look a little wide and clunky there, because they’re not.)

In the (odd) event that those particular boots aren’t your thing, you can click through that widget above to check out some other extremely cute styles I found.

Kids in a gravity car in Mill Valley, California

See Indy’s face? That’s how I feel about the boots.

(I did manage to escape without buying them. But hey, there’s always next weekend’s day trip.)

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