
Bags Are Packed And Nothing To Wear

The problem with graduation-wear: I feel like it’s supposed to be…ladylike. I mean, grandmas are in attendance at graduations, right? And I enjoy a good floral dress, but ladylike isn’t a look I’m especially talented at pulling off. Mostly because if I try, what ends up happening is something spills, or something wrinkles, or somebody, I don’t know, vomits on me, and there you go: unladylike. So I don’t have a whole lot of graduation-appropriate dresses hanging around in my life.

What I will probably be wearing to Kendrick’s graduation (three weeks!), if we’re being totally honest: this black Theory dress from, like, 1998 that’s hanging in my closet because for whatever reason I haven’t packed it yet, and it’s midi-length so it seems like it might be appropriate.

It’s kind of cute. I have no idea if it fits. It may or may not be clean.

What I’d like to wear to Kendrick’s graduation: one of these.

Maybe. Let’s see if any of them offer free expedited shipping ;).

P.S. They’re also all good picks for casual weddings/graduations/bridal showers/etc if you’ve got any on the horizon, so enjoy :).

P.P.S. No but seriously: do you like any of these? Which? Help a girl out.

P.P.P.S. Just stopped into Nordstrom on the way home from an errand and found this matching top and skirt and kind of love it and think it might be the winner. Comfortable + affordable + has that retro-ish feel I was looking for (it’s more crop-top-y than peplum-y and much cuter in person, I swear). Y/N?

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