
The “Mom Dropped The Cards” Game

Allow me to present to you the best game I have discovered in recent memory. For the following reasons:

1. It is a really good way to pass the time during (another) rainy day.

2. It is free.

3. It is educational.

4. It makes my son laugh hysterically.

toddler alphabet game

The “Mom Dropped The Cards” Game

Here is what the game entails:

1. Write out the letters of the alphabet (both upper and lower-case, if you feel like being fancy) on index cards.

2. Walk casually through room past three-year-old.

3. Pretend to trip, resulting in the scattering of cards and associated flailing and shrieking (–> hysterical laughter).

4. Tell three-year-old in best “we have an important job to do” voice that the cards need to be put back in order, and then pretend to forget which letter of the alphabet comes next so that he may “remind” you (–> more hysterical laughter).

5. Do it again (–> and still more). (Apparently this never stops being funny.)

And then? Three-year-old learns letter recognition. Presto.

educational toddler game

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