
The Most Ridiculous (And Also Best) Purchase Ever

This is one of the most ridiculous – and also best – purchases I have ever made.

You’ve seen my favorite sunglasses (which I also own in white; like I said: ridiculous) before. Like, over and over. And then maybe you stopped seeing them these past few weeks, because somewhere in the middle of all this packing madness I lost them. Both of them.

I was extremely unhappy about this. Because they were unconscionably expensive (both of them), but also because I wear them every. single. day. I do not like existing in the outside world, where sunlight is direct and eyes are tired, without them. And even given those unconscionable prices, I was kind of like…Jeez. I guess I’m going to have to buy another pair. (Maybe not two, though, because I’m not crazy, and maybe used via eBay this time around.)

There are two kinds of splurges, you know, and I’ve definitely made them both: the splurge on, like, an evening dress that you wear once (maybe two or three times) but that spends most of the year hanging in your closet looking fabulous on its hanger rather than on your body, and the splurge on something you wear all the time. And if it’s an accessory – like a great bag or pair of sunglasses or earrings – you might even get to wear it every day.

Guess which kind of splurge I prefer?

Anyway, that’s why my ridiculous sunglasses were one of the best purchases I’ve ever made: because they are an accessory that has become so much a part of my personal sense of style that they’re worth every (unconscionable) penny.

(I found them, in case you were wondering. Both of them. #whew)

tom ford oversize glasses

P.S. Can we all just go ahead and agree that Tom Ford makes the best sunglasses (and glasses) in the whole wide world? (My own crazy-enormous glasses are Tom Fords, as well as the sunglasses I’ve been going on about in this post.) Here are some personal favorites from both the sunny and non-sunny categories:

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