Monthly Archives: December 2010


Thomas Laine Giveaway Winners!

Congrats to Jahmad17 (who loved the Kenneth Jay Lane Emerald Drop Earrings pictured above) and Ashley M (those Gerard Yosca Drop Earrings are her favorite pick): you each won $100 to spend on the Thomas Laine website! Company reps will be in touch with you shortly.

And remember: Thomas Laine is offering free shipping through December 21st, as well as a code (RSG20) for a 20% discount on anything on the site (also valid through December 21st).

Happy holidays :)!

Winners chosen via


All In The Layering

Yesterday Francesca swung by so I could take some shots of her for Obvious' blog featuring some of their new shirts, and fell in love with her Mulberry Bow Friendship Bracelet (which also comes in a heart design).

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