
Good To Know / Pesky Cocktail Speck

Last night, after our trip to the Salvation Army, Mom and I headed over to 44 & X for pre-dinner cocktails. I had just taken the first sip of my very delicious blue cheese olive-infused dirty martini when I noticed something unwanted floating about on the surface. It turned out to be just a little speck of foliage (basil, thinks I), but still, I wanted it out. The bartender noticed me poking about in my glass, spilling that delicious Ketel One all over the place, and came to my rescue with the following tip:

Should you find an unwanted speck in your drink, just locate a paper-wrapped straw and stick it into your beverage in close proximity to said speck: the paper will create a sort of suction effect and extricate the blemish with minimal alcohol loss. Talk about Good To Know.

Coup de Coeur flower ring ($26).

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