Posts Tagged: Sponsored Post


StyleMint Giveaway!


By now, I'm sure you've heard of StyleMint, the members-only T Shirt subscription service from former Tanners and present-day style icons Mary-Kate Olsen and Ashley Olsen.

If you haven't, here's the rundown: all you do is sign up (membership is free), fill out a fun little quiz called a StyleProfile that helps the site tailor selections just for you, and then choose from one of four gorgeously cut, super-soft, high-quality T Shirt styles for just $29.99 each (many of which are available in multiple colors). If you don't see a style you like, you don't buy's as simple as that. But if you do, you get free shipping, and easy-as-pie returns...and there are new styles to choose from each month.


Down To Basics

Three of my go-to looks that, while not exactly standard-issue - each one includes unexpected elements like leopard, mismatched prints, or a graphic purse - require just about zero thought on my part.


In The Feathers & The Leaves

Fall style, to me, is all about shopping your closet and rediscovering those great pieces that you totally forgot that you owned. And that goes double when you've spent the last few months pregnant - you get to rediscover things like buttons. And zippers that zip.


Is It Rum O’Clock Yet?

This is a Sponsored post written by me on behalf of Diageo for SocialSpark. All opinions are 100% mine.

There's nothing quite like a rum cocktail to make it feel like summer. Alas, this particular summer isn't especially rum-soaked for me, but there's always...rum cake? That's good, too.

My favorite rum-inclusive beverage is one that I discovered in the Caribbean: to make a Cayman Islands Rum Punch, just mix together 1 oz premium dark rum, 3 oz orange juice, 1 oz pineapple juice, a squeeze of fresh lime, and a splash of grenadine for color (let the grenadine float on the top of the cocktail to create a lovely sunset effect). Garnish with a cherry and/or paper umbrella, and enjoy with your feet planted firmly in the sand (or at least while dreaming of tropical beaches).

Now, what rum to use? Zacapa premium rum is produced in the Quetzaltenango highlands, where the cool air and elevation slow the aging process. The process itself was developed by the Spaniards 500 years ago, and involves passing each drop of rum through barrels that originally housed American whiskey, Oloroso sherry, or Pedro Ximenez wine, thereby creating a uniquely complex flavor.


Stodgy Is Sexy / At-Home Manicure Money-Saver

This is a Sponsored post written by me on behalf of Stodgy Is Sexy for SocialSpark. All opinions are 100% mine.


1. Heavy, dull or uninteresting; 2. Tediously commonplace, boring.

So stodgy = not such a good thing, right? Wrong. In recent years, as the economy has fallen into a seemingly never-ending abyss, flashiness in any form has become...well...sort of unattractive.


OWN Network / Suze Orman

I started reading O: The Oprah Magazine in college, right around the time that it came out, and very quickly realized that I adored Suze Orman. On a list of Fun Things To Read About, finances fall pretty low for me...but she just manages to make every discussion accessible, straightforward, and (God knows how) interesting.

On a recent episode of Oprah's All Stars (a four-part series in which Dr. Phil, Suze Orman, and Dr. Oz appear before a live studio audience to answer questions about “health, wealth, and mental well-being"), Gayle King asked Suze how many dates a couple should go on before they start seriously talking about money, and my ears perked up.

I once had a friend who confessed to me that she and her fiance were moving in together, but that she didn't know what kinds of apartments to look for...because she didn't know how much money he made, so she couldn't figure out what they could afford. Like, not even a ballpark number. And I was shocked - how did they get to the point of engagement without ever even touching on this? - but then I realized that for some couples, it may just not be a particularly comfortable topic. Maybe they were even raised to think that financial discussions - even with people whom you love - simply aren't appropriate. Or maybe (at least according to Suze) they really needed to get cracking on this.

Anyway, here's Suze's answer: Well, you know, you start talking about money from the very first date, even if you're not verbally talking about money. How are you going to share the bill? Who's going to leave the tip? Where are you going to go? So you can watch somebody's financial habits and notice very quickly: are they honest, or are they dishonest with what they're doing with money? I can tell you this: what's really important, if you ever do get serious with somebody, is you better be as financially intimate with them as you are personally intimate with them. You know how you meet somebody and you wonder: do you leave your bra on the doorknob? Do you leave the toilet up? Do they leave the hairs in the sink?...Are they spenders or are they savers? Are they respectful with money or disrespectful? Because "M" just doesn't stand for marriage, it also stands for money.


OWN Network / Oprah’s All-Stars

I love Dr. Phil.

Or, perhaps more accurately, I love watching Dr. Phil. I mean, I don't necessarily agree with him 100% of the time, and I'm not entirely certain I'd want to have him over for dinner (I think he'd stress me out)...but the man usually does offer some fantastic advice.

Take for example, this Q&A from a recent episode of the OWN Network's Ask Oprah's All Stars.

Q. I've been a bridesmaid 11 times in the past four years. Each wedding has cost around a thousand dollars. I love my friends and I can't say no, so what's the best way for me to save up?

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