Posts Tagged: Personal Style


Win A Brand-New Fall Wardrobe and T.J.Maxx In-Store Styling Session with Me!

Summer’s not over yet…but around this time of year I start getting excited about bringing my favorite autumn pieces back into rotation. As soon as it’s even close to cool enough outside, I start swapping out jeans for shorts and light sweaters for tanks, and breaking out pieces that I’ve been waiting to wear all summer long: a knit shawl, a pair of motorcycle boots, an incredible leather jacket.

Speaking of incredible leather jackets: look at this.

It’s a high-end designer piece from T.J.Maxx, and is both spectacular (as you can see) and lightweight enough to wear when there’s just the slightest chill in the air. I love the versatility of this jacket; it helps me express whatever mood (and season) I’m in, from showing off my biker-chick roots to adding a little edge to a Date Night dress.


Weekend Uniform II

Weekend Uniform #2: the ever-present denim cutoffs (I own about six thousand pairs, I swear - not just wearing the same exact thing every single day of my life) paired with a so-lightweight-it's-almost-sheer muscle tank...and motorcycle boots. Because I don't want to wait for fall to wear them - and these are non-clunky enough that I don't have to.

My Looks

Onyx And Jade

I don't wear a ton of color. I try to - I aspire to...but I don't. So when I own something like a pair of green ombre jeans, the easiest way for me to ensure that I actually wear them (rather than just taking them out of my closet every so often, thinking how pretty they look, and then putting them right on back) is to pair them with neutral everything-else.

Speaking of the everything-else: the blouse shown here is a new addition to my wardrobe, but that doesn't make any sense - it's so exactly what I want to wear every single day (silky feel, relaxed fit, wide v-neckline) that I really should have owned it already. (Both the blouse and the jeans are from NYDJ; I'm working with them on a collaboration this summer. You can see all my picks for a warm-weather travel wardrobe here.)

The final touches: a gold circlet necklace that I recently rediscovered in my jewelry drawer and have been wearing nearly every day, a pair of flats with bows on the toes, and a touch of tortoiseshell.

My Looks

Paisley Like The Sky

This look is like an updated version of my standard silhouette: a lightweight silk shell instead of a slouchy tee and cropped jeans instead of cutoff shorts. In other words, it's the grownup version of how I usually look (but still comfortable enough to feel great in the summer heat), making it the perfect solution for daytime meetings in the city followed by a dinner date overlooking the river.

I love the print on these jeans - it's very Summer In Nantucket, and the beautiful, retro paisley print balances nicely with the just-right length of the jeans. These jeans are also really comfortable - they hit right under the belly button and have a slimming fit that works with either heels or flats. (They also run slightly big, so definitely go down a size if you're going to order them online.)

Meet the toy car that hangs out in my handbag 100% of the time.

My Looks

Weekend Uniform, Lately

What I wore all weekend: a look that's hinting at the fact that I'm getting excited for fall clothing (hats! silky button-downs! brown leather!) but still light enough for midsummer.

(Mostly excited about the hat. I bought it at Anthropologie last fall, decided for some reason to store it on a hidden shelf in my closet, and completely forgot I owned it until two weeks ago when I rediscovered it and glued it to my head.)



My Kinda LWD

There's something very pretty and feminine and perfectly summery about a little white dress. I wore this one at an Elle shoot last month, actually...but then once I was dressed and the cameras were rolling (meaning that outfit changes were no longer an option) I realized that I felt weird and uncomfortable and remembered that I don't usually love wearing dresses, little and white or no. Occasionally, sure...but they're just not usually what I feel best in.

I'm almost always much, much happier in something that I can run around in. Get down on the grass in. Do a cartwheel in if I want to.

Something like a pair of shorts.

My Looks

Perfect Pair

For Saturday's Date Night (to see This Is The End, which was so terrible and inside-joke-y I can't even talk about it), I decided to dress like a total fashion renegade.

White top, jeans, nude heels.

OK, so I wear outfits like this all the time. But there is a method to my non-madness, and the method is called "get out door now." The thing about a look this simple is that it requires next-to-no thought...but still: it's more fun if every single piece is just a tiny bit more interesting than you'd expect on first glance. Extras are everything.

It's the same philosophy I apply to decorating my house: I like the idea of sort of "rewarding" people who feel like looking extra-close with the discovery of, say, a ceramic frog tucked in between the plants, or a crystal skull head filled with flowers sitting on a tray. Adding fun details to a classic outfit - a slight cuff on the jeans, textured lace on the top, a bag with a stingray print - is a similar's like sprinkling your body with little eye-surprises.

My Looks

Saddle Shoes And Turning Tides

When I was in fifth grade, I went to a private school that required students to wear uniforms: the boys wore slacks and collared shirts, and the girls wore little belted pale-blue jumpers. The popular girls wore the jumpers beltless, layering them over white or navy turtlenecks that were bunched at the neck (never rolled). I went for button-down blouses with enormous, frilly collars and tied that belt on exactly where it was supposed to go.

I was not cool.

I took a strange sort of pride in my non-coolness, actually. I remember at one point all the girls deciding to wear their scrunchies around their ankles, and making a conscious decision to keep my scrunchie in my hair where it belonged (despite my best friend's urgings) because it seemed pointless and weird to stick the thing on my foot. My choice to buck that particular trend made me feel pretty good, a small way it felt like a sign that I was doing my own thing, and that "my own thing" might be a kind of awesome thing to do.

And then, in the spring of that year, everyone (by which I mean Sarah and Nell and Katie and the other girls I wanted very badly to be just like) started wearing saddle shoes. I loved them. I wanted a pair of my own. But I felt silly about the fact that I wanted them; it seemed embarrassing to even desire the pair of shoes that was so clearly what the cool kids were into. I worried that it would seem like I was wearing them just to fit in, or that "fitting in" was actually what I did want.

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