Posts Tagged: Personal Style


Baby Doll

I don't usually love babydoll dresses. Loose dresses, yes; babydolls, not so much. Mostly because I feel like they require you to explain that you're not expecting the arrival of an actual baby in 4-6 months (I'm not).

I do, however, love this dress. I found it at a thrift store in Canada while on a trip to visit my relatives, and originally planned to wear it to Stephen and Dave's wedding. I ended up not wearing it to the wedding after all (it felt too short and casual)...and then ended up not wearing it to the next thing I'd planned to wear it to (it felt too girly and fancy)...and now it's been sitting in my closet unworn for over a year.

Which makes no sense, because it's really pretty. It's just one of those things that I put on and can't figure out how to make look more "me", and so I end up just giving up and taking it right back off again. Putting on denim shorts or leopard skinny jeans. You know the drill.

But on Saturday afternoon (for our pre-movie dinner date) I decided to give it another shot, and ended up dressed like I was playing hide-and-go-seek at Coachella (hat and sunglasses, fringe and floral).

My Looks

Hiking Gear

Not really.

But the path near our house also isn't really a "hike" - more like an amble - so that's OK.

Let's talk about vests for a second. I never understood (or wore) vests until recently; I didn't really get the point. They seemed fussy, and extraneous, and whenever I was wearing one I felt like Vest Girl. Like if a friend were describing me to someone I'd met briefly at a party they'd be like, "Remember the girl in the vest? Her."

My Looks

Lost In Translation

In the fall of my junior year of college my roommate and I decided that we wanted to have an adventure.

We found a pair of cheap tickets to Grand Cayman Island, and asked a British scuba instructor whom I'd briefly dated if he wouldn't mind if we stayed with him and his roommates for a few days. Fun, right? Well, as it turned out, something had very majorly been lost in translation during our phone conversations to plan the trip, because when we arrived we discovered that British Scuba Instructor was very seriously not interested in me, in having two girls staying with him for a few days, or in speaking or smiling. Ever.

Now, that would ordinarily be the kind of situation where one goes and finds a hotel room, but the plane tickets had pretty much tapped us out, so we just figured we'd stay out of his way and hang out on the beach as much as possible. Except it then poured rain almost the entire time we were there, making that a little tricky. Oh yes, and it was freezing.

So it wasn't the best vacation I've ever had. Except for one night, when one of the scuba instructor's roommates took pity on the sad, damp American girls and took us with her to some kind of annual Pirate festival. I put a bandanna on my head and long striped socks with the feet cut out of them on my arms (because that seemed pirate-y), and we ignored the rain and ran around the streets laughing for a few hours, forgetting about the scuba guy and school and everything, really. We went back to reality a couple of days later...but for that one night, forgetting was nice.

My Looks

Slice Of Light

Now: let's get back to our regularly scheduled programing and talk flowy outfits and a day when I felt really, truly great. Maybe it was the ocean breeze that cleared my head; maybe it was getting a chance to step away from my responsibilities for a moment; maybe it was just that I felt prettier in the dress that I wore to Saturday night's wedding than almost anything I've ever worn. For a minute there I just felt like me: nothing more, nothing less. plus a little neon.

My Looks

One Shirt, Three Ways: Black And White (Sort Of) Tie-Dye

You know this orange blouse? It ended up being one of those pieces that I didn't necessarily expect to wear constantly - I mean, it's really orange - but the shape was so great (relaxed with a gold zipper neckline detail) that I found myself reaching for it over and over and over. And when you find a wearable piece in a silhouette that you love, my general rule is that you should pick up more than one; the things that you really wear are the things that are worth investing in (especially when they're priced so well that they're not really an investment at all).

So: black and white it was.

Three ways I've been wearing this (sort of) tie-dyed blouse:


Into The Woods

The fact that Sunday felt more like a really beautiful day in October than almost-June stymied my plans to spend at least part of my birthday passed out in the sun at our local pool.

So we improvised with a walk through the woods.

Remember how I said way back when we were thinking of moving that one of the reasons I wanted to leave the city was because I wanted us to be able to go fishing not because it was a huge event involving rental cars and long drives, but just because that's what we feel like doing? This is exactly what I meant.

To get a chance to walk through any non-Central Park woods used to involve some fairly considerable planning, as well as a train or a car or a bus...or all three. And so I never did it. Ever.

My Looks

What We Wore: One Night In Vegas

Francesca and I live on opposite coasts now, so we don't get to see each other nearly as often as we'd like. And so when we do get to see each other...we like to do it up.

Pretend we're still living together in L.A. and thinking about things like which bathing suit to wear on a Tuesday afternoon.

Put on sequins and red lipstick and get into a little trouble.

(Oh, okay...we got in no trouble at all. We tried, I swear, but after sacrificing ten bucks to the slot machines we decided to just cut our losses and window-shop for shoes along the Grand Canal.)

My Looks

Coming Up Roses

What I wore for Mother's Day dinner (at our local hibachi place, of course): a simple summer dress with fun details that I picked up for $19.50 at the mall, and then lightened up even more with white and rose-gold accessories.

We chose hibachi because we like it - obviously; that stuff is delicious - but also because convincing a toddler to sit still for the entire duration of a meal can be tough...but is made exponentially easier by the presence of flying eggs and fire.

My favorite part: the bright-pink lipstick (YSL Rouge Volupte Shine in Devotion). I love the pairing of mint green and bright pink - so fresh and springy.

My Looks

Kate Hudson Capsule Collection For Ann Taylor

I did an interview last week during which the reporter asked me who my "celebrity style icon" was, and I was sort of flummoxed. I even almost automatically blurted out "Audrey Hepburn" just because she seems to be the de facto "style icon" who people mention in interviews, even though there are probably few celebrities on the planet whose style resembles mine less.

I do not do ballet flats and pearls particularly well, nor am I pixieishly adorable. C'est la vie.

So I free-associated for a minute, thinking about which red carpet dresses pop instantly into my mind as all-time favorites, and came up with Cate Blanchett's 1999 John Galliano, Cameron Diaz's 2002 Ungaro, Michelle Williams' 2006 Vera Wang, Kate Hudson in that white dress, Kate Hudson in that gold dress, Kate Hudson in that flowery Valentino she wore to the Oscars that one time, and Kate Hudson every time she's ever appeared on The Late Show. Or anywhere, generally.

So: Kate Hudson it was.

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