
My Kinda LWD

There’s something very pretty and feminine and perfectly summery about a little white dress. I wore this one at an Elle shoot last month, actually…but then once I was dressed and the cameras were rolling (meaning that outfit changes were no longer an option) I realized that I felt weird and uncomfortable and remembered that I don’t usually love wearing dresses, little and white or no. Occasionally, sure…but they’re just not usually what I feel best in.

I’m almost always much, much happier in something that I can run around in. Get down on the grass in. Do a cartwheel in if I want to.

Something like a pair of shorts.

For a light-as-air, all- (or at least mostly) white summer look, this is much more my speed.

On me: Georgette Colorblock Tunic c/o NYDJ; Solo Denim Lab shorts; Nine West flats; Piperlime necklace (no longer available; similar here); Kendrick’s RayBan sunglasses.

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