My Looks

My Looks

Wine & Chenille (& Other Things That Make Me Happy)

What to wear on Thanksgiving Day is a bit of a conundrum. Because there are hours and hours and hours of cooking, and then the second the cooking part stops the eating part has to start because I’ve been asked whether dinner’s ready eighteen times per minute for the past two hundred minutes and now I need to feed my kids so they stop asking.

Which means the transition from “what to wear while cooking” (something I can spill turkey juice on) to “what to wear while eating” (something comfortable but cute enough to mayyyybe result in an actual, all-four-of-us-looking-at-the-camera-and-looking-non-miserable family photo) better be a quick one. And it better involve stretchy material, because food.

My Looks


This sweater, to my mind, was not an optional purchase. First of all, it’s made by one of my favorite brands, Woolrich, which I hadn’t been aware was available at Kohl’s (bear pillow, ahem). And second, it has a snowman on it, but somehow manages to be in “adorable wintry sweater” territory rather than in “ironic ugly Christmas sweater” world. (No shade there – I enjoy a good ugly Christmas sweater myself – just sometimes one prefers to be un-ironic in one’s holiday attire.)

My Looks

The New Feminine

CeCe by Cynthia Steffe at Macy's

CeCe Blouse

I am not “girly.” With a handful of exceptions, I tend not to choose pieces with floral patterns, with ruffles, with bows. My closet overflows with denim and grey. I think the last time I wore a headband was for my first-grade class photo (it was maroon velvet and actually pretty amazing, now that I think about it).

But just because I’m not especially girly doesn’t mean I don’t like to feel feminine. And I’ve rarely felt more feminine – by which I mean elegant, and polished, and confident – than I did when I put on the outfit pictured here. I have to be honest: I wasn’t entirely sure I’d love it when I ordered it from Macy’s, simply because I’ve literally never worn anything like this. Illusion neckline? Flounce skirt? Peter Pan collar?!

My Looks


Alum Rock Park San Jose, California

Dress (similar, for $28) Boots (similar) Camera Bag Hat

Today in Superb Life Choices: wearing 2 1/2 inch heels to hike in the woods. In my defense, "hiking" (and the associated crossing-of-streams) wasn't on the original schedule; we were just planning a quick picnic lunch in a nearby state park before heading to a party...but then Indy spotted a creek, and:

My Looks

On Mountaintops with Minis

Jordan Reid, Francesca Vannucci and Brie Barbaccia

Francesca | Me | Brie

Scenic Overlook | Berkeley, CA

So this was the post I was originally planning to put up on Monday before we arrived back at my house and life became extremely dramatic. Its alternate title is "Too Old For Coachella...But Not Too Old To Throw Out Peace Signs In A Photograph!" (That little slice of genius was a collaborative effort.) All is back to normal now - with the exception of some water damage, but I think we got off pretty easily there considering the amount of flooding we're talking about - and Lucy is A-OK, so let's talk bags.

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