My Looks


Alum Rock Park San Jose, California

Dress (similar, for $28) Boots (similar) Camera Bag Hat

Today in Superb Life Choices: wearing 2 1/2 inch heels to hike in the woods. In my defense, “hiking” (and the associated crossing-of-streams) wasn’t on the original schedule; we were just planning a quick picnic lunch in a nearby state park before heading to a party…but then Indy spotted a creek, and:


And stream-fording.

I feel a strong affinity for Goldie Hawn generally – as evidenced by the For-Internet-Purposes name I bestowed upon my daughter – but never more so than in the movie Overboard, where she plays Joanna, a fancy heiress-type who falls off a boat, contracts amnesia, and is then tricked by Kurt Russell into believing that she is his poor, hardworking wife (why this is positioned in the film as a completely acceptable – even adorable! – thing for Kurt Russell’s character to do is another story).

Seriously, could anybody but Goldie Hawn summon up this expression?

Goldie Hawn and Kurt Russell in the movie Overboard

She is a revelation.

I don’t even know what this expression is, exactly – I’m going to go with some combination of horror and resignation – but it is genius. And also fairly accurately conveys my own knee-jerk response to things like water-strider-filled bogs and butterflies that might land on me at any moment (SHUDDER).

(I am kidding. I like hiking. I do not very much like hiking in 2 1/2 inch heels, but, hey, at least the ones I wore had…treads? That’s something, right?)

crossing a stream on a hike in the woodscrossing a river in san jose state parkfamily hike in the woods crossing a river in a state park family walk through the woodsfamily hike in the woods family hike in the woodsfamily walk through the woods where to find tadpoles in the state parklooking for tadpoles in the state park



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