

Let’s talk about this.


jordan, i’m curious about your foodie thoughts on meat-eating. it would be great if you could devote a post or two to it. you post all the time about delicious meat dishes you’ve eaten, and it’s also clear from your blog that you love your pet animals… so i’d like to hear how you reconcile those two passions.


Wedding Money-Saver / Hors d’Oeuvres

One of the aspects of our wedding that I had the most fun planning was the hors d’oeuvre menu. I had some standbys (sushi bar, chicken skewers), but my favorites were peaches wrapped in prosciutto and tiny cups of lobster bisque (the wedding was held in Maine).


Me and my cookin’

You know how I write a lot about food? Post a lot of recipes? Early on in this Lifecast, I addressed the issue of what exactly my attitude is towards cooking and cheffery in general, but I think it bears repeating.

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