

Delays And Such

I have no idea whether things like first-time homeowner drama are interesting to anyone outside of my immediate family, but hey, that's what's going on at the moment, so it's sort of impossible for me to ignore.


Lust Object: Chartreuse Wallpaper

chartreuse wallpaper

I am obsessed with this Graham & Brown pattern and am thisclose to ordering it for my office-to-be in a home that I do not yet own (we're still contract-ing).

Question for you: if you were to put this paper on one wall in a room, what color would you do on the other three walls? I'm leaning towards some shade of white so as not to get too crazy with it - that paper is crazy enough - but am open to suggestion.

Update: Very pale dove grey, yes - and I love JulieGirlie's suggestion to add some bright pink peonies.

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