

Ikea’s New Sinnerlig Collection by Ilse Crawford

Alright, we know I have a massive love-hate relationship with Ikea. Love the stuff. Hate the place.

What I have learned from past (mis)adventures: do not take your children with you to Ikea. Like, ever. Because they will turn into wildebeests, and you will think that your marriage is falling apart, until you finally make it out alive and realize:

Oh, I don't hate you.

I hate the store.

Crafts for the Uncrafty

Make Your Own Tent (With Tassels!)


You will note, please, that I said "we" and not "I." That is because I had literally nothing to do with like 99% of this project, because I am not talented like that. I do, however, have a friend, Erin, who is, and who responded to our son's love of cave/fort things with "Well, let's make him one!"

And so we (and again, by "we" I mean "Erin and her husband, who just happens to be a master woodworker") did. And then we covered it with polka-dot flannel and added rainbow tassels, and the whole thing is just flat-out RIDICULOUSLY COOL.


In The Kitchen

I'm in the middle of a massive Our House Our House Our House obsession.

I love our house.

I'm excited about our move in a vacuum - and specifically excited about the prospect of setting up a whole new space to live in…but still: I sort of wish I could pick up our house and drag it out to California with me. It's just so…romantic. It's like looking at the face of a person I've loved for years and years - there are flaws all over, I guess, but I don't even see them: all I see is what's special and beautiful and perfect.


Thrifted Footstool: Before And After

I told you I legit couldn't stop crafting.

I think it's because I've decided that I don't care whether the end result is especially spectacular. I mean, it's nice if what comes out of an hour or two spent in the company of a paintbrush and some bad reality TV is a beautiful addition to my home, but far more important is having a little fun with it. Because if it's not fun…what's the point? If you just chill out a little bit about the end product and let your freak flag fly, what crafting ends up being is free therapy, and ain't nothing better than that.

OK, so check out this footstool/bench thing that I found at a thrift store on the Saw Mill. Now, that is an ugly piece of furniture. Pukey color, tattered (albeit glittery) seat fabric, et cetera et cetera. But I was really into those curved arms and had a sneaking suspicion that with a little TLC it could be really beautiful, so home with me it came.

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