Best Laid Plans

I would like to live in this exact spot for the rest of my life, please and thank you.

PS Come hang out with me on Instagram, because the Wifi here is terrible but for whatever reason my phone works, and so Instagram is basically where I'll be for the next couple of days.

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On The Hunt

So, my son has this newfound love for wandering around thrift stores (we call it "treasure hunting").

I understand that this is a pretty bizarre thing for a three-year-old to be into, but bizarre or no, it excites me so much that I have to take him out to do this whenever humanly possible. My parents live just a block away from my favorite thrift store on the planet - the Salvation Army on West 46th Street, where you can find crazy-good furniture and clothing and knickknacks (they call it "bric-a-brac") and - best of all...

Superhero-themed Chutes and Ladders games still in the original packaging (!).


Cold Spring Day Trip

Hat Attack Hat; LAGOS Ring; Zara Blazer; Alexis Bittar Lucite Earrings; Ora Delphine Bucket Bag ℅

I've written about Cold Spring a whole bunch, but that's because every single time I go I'm reminded just how much I love it. It's just such a…gem. (I'm aware I sound like a grandma, but a gem is exactly what it is.) Cool little antique stores selling stuff you actually want to buy (albeit slightly overpriced, but you can always score a "Mystery Bag" for $5 if you're feeling adventurous), artisanal finds for the home, fun little shops for kids, and THE BEST STEAK SANDWICH ON THE PLANET (I mean that). And if you don't have a car, Cold Spring is just a little over an hour away from NYC via the Metronorth.

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