
The Baby Rolling Stones Tee

OK, so confession: as much as I obviously love shopping for my daughter…my favorite thing to put her in is my son’s clothing.

I anticipated putting her in hand-me-downs for money-saving purposes – because for real: a onesie is a onesie is a onesie – but then realized that even on those mornings when we were doing “something special” and I wanted to put her in her very cutest things…I was going for Indy’s old tops, and pairing them with Goldie’s own leggings or jeans.

Little striped knit sweaters, long-sleeved henleys in “boy” (read: dark) colors…and…best of all…

The Baby Rolling Stones Tee.

I am so excited that this t-shirt – which was my absolute favorite thing in the world to put our son in – is getting a second lease on life.

rolling stones baby t shirt rolling stones tee baby

While we’re on the topic, below are a whole bunch of technically-baby-boy clothes that I think would be the CUTEST THINGS EVER (all caps, because for serious: SO CUTE) on a little girl. That Totally Bueno sweater may be the best thing in the entire world.

P.S. In the Girly Clothes division, though, I have to say: those little tunic-type dresses that the Gap sells every season in various patterns are pretty great investments, because they turn into tops once the baby gets bigger (if they have long sleeves, you just roll them up a bit to make them 3/4 length sleeves), and end up lasting for months – one of the dresses I bought for Goldie in a 0-3 month side remains one of my favorite tops for her, and she is six months old. That’s a good investment, right there.

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