
Oh, Just #Vogueing…

The usual.

That very handsome man up there is someone you may recognize if you’re a Kelly & Michael or Steve Harvey watcher – his name is Lawrence Zarian, and he was my cohost for a Macy’s event last weekend, and it was the most fun thing ever. There was semi-nudity involved, which is always a good sign.

2014.10.25 Macy's  INC Fashion Show


My favorite part of these events is that they’re live (obviously), so anything can happen – one time I levitated onto the stage in a lucite box in a cloud of smoke (really), and this time a group of teenagers went Beatles-style crazy for one of the male models every single time he stepped foot on the runway.

2014.10.25 Macy's  INC Fashion Show

We also get to give away shopping sprees at the end, which is just the best.

Thank you so much to everyone who came out to say hi!

Above: some of my favorite pieces that were featured in last weekend’s show, including a pair of leggings with faux leather panels (have I mentioned that INC’s leggings are amazing? They hold evvvverything in), a fringe-y cardigan, and an electric-yellow car coat (that looks especially great with black-and-white underneath).

Also these shoes are great. And on sale.

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