
The Hotel Experience…At Home

Good lord, I love hotels.

I have a hotel in my future – two nights in Miami, specifically (eeeeeee) – and can barely contain my excitement about the prospect of room service, and a king-size bed all to myself, and…

ba da dum…


Because I think we can all agree that there is no sleep like hotel-room sleep.

The other day I was reading an article on HuffPo that basically posited that the reason that hotel-room sleep is so great largely comes down to one simple element:

All the best hotel beds are white.

Yes, the beds are also phenomenally comfortable and the rooms are a perfect temperature and et cetera et cetera, but something about the look of a completely pristine bed sends little signals to us that we’re in for a luxury experience.

Well, alright then.

dkny city line


(Pictured here: DKNY’s City Line Bedding, which is an especially lovely way to do the all-white look because each piece in the collection has some texture – silk pleats, tiny pailettes, satin striping, et cetera – so it’s simple without being boring.)

More Ways To Create A Hotel Experience In Your Own Home

– Freshen up your bedding nightly with rose (or lavender) scented linen spray (try Caldrea’s Rosewater Driftwood).

– Install blackout shades (Smith & Noble’s line is gorgeous; so much more elegant than traditional blackout options. I especially like their Optilight style, which allows light to come in through the top half of the window while providing privacy with a shade on the lower half during the day).

– Keep a carafe of water (or just a pretty glass, if you – like me – don’t happen to own a carafe) next to your bed.

deep sleep pillow spray

– Spritz your pillow with a specialty deep-sleep product (I love this one, which has lavender, vetiver and chamomile essential oils).

– Affix a pretty hook to your wall so that your robe is within easy reach.

– Keep your room as uncluttered as possible (clutter – much like electronics in the room – creates mental noise that interrupts your sleep patterns).

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