
Links & Love & Stuff

🙂 Last night we kicked off what’s looking like two days of being snowbound by watching cartoons in bed. “In bed” because I finally broke and installed a TV in our bedroom, and it is the BEST and I LOVE IT and am TOTALLY FINE with the fact that I am now officially a card-carrying Lazy Person who is too much of a sloth to climb a flight of stairs between watching The Bachelor and going to sleep.

🙂 This new app lets you store your house key in a cloud and immediately cut one at a kiosk if you lock yourself out rather than waiting around for a locksmith (and paying a fortune). It also sounds like it would have solved about 99% of my problems when I was living in the city.

🙂 If you don’t own a fedora yet, this one is classic and perfect (and nicely priced).


🙂 Suggestion for mamas-to-be: we own an Instax Mini camera (basically, a small Polaroid) that I tend not to use too much because the film is expensive, but when we were expecting Indy (above, at 19 weeks) we took a shot of my growing stomach every few weeks, and now we’re doing it again. It’s a wonderful, wonderful memento…and the photos are small, so the whole series will easily fit into your baby book.

🙂 Speaking of baby books: I bought this one.

🙂 Stuck at home today and looking for a project? Here are some easy ways to get organized.

🙂 Or just make something in a slow-cooker (click here for all my slow-cooker recipes).

🙂 If you don’t own a Sodastream already, you probably should.

🙂 LOVE these patched Gap jeans.

🙂 These days pretty much everything makes me cry, so it’s kind of hard for me to tell when the tears are legit and when they’re just hormones talking…but anyway, this video about how different people react when confronted with a child is being kidnapped had me in a puddle.

🙂 So did this one, but because it is WONDERFUL. It’s like Love, Actually come to life in proposal form, with dancing.

🙂 And just to put all of us over the edge, here is a video of twin babies who don’t realize that they’ve been born yet and are hugging. I can’t take it.

🙂 Kendrick actually called me on the phone yesterday to tell me he was standing outside a store and staring at a pair of sunglasses so ridiculous-looking that they probably needed to be owned by me. He knows me so well.

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🙂 I made chocolate-covered, salted strawberries yesterday, and ate them all. It was wonderful, and I think you should do this, too (just use good-quality chocolate and coarse sea salt for best results, and make sure the strawberries are dry before you dip them or the chocolate won’t stick).

🙂 This sums dogs up pretty well.

🙂 I don’t have a bathtub, but if I did I would really, really, really enjoy owning this.

🙂 A Letter from a Working Mother to a Stay-At-Home Mother, and Vice Versa. I LOVE this.

🙂 Russell Brand’s response to Phillip Seymour Hoffman’s death is phenomenal and a must-read.

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🙂 True.

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