
I’ve been feeling pretty guilty about the fact that we only have one dog bed in the house, because Virgil is a total bed hog and forces Lucy to sleep on the couch (I don’t let them sleep on the bed with us on muddy, rainy days like those we’ve been having lately…white bedspread and all). Dog beds, however, are weirdly, crazily expensive (like $75+ at the pet shops near our apartment), so I wasn’t sure whether or not buying another one was the best idea at the moment.

Yesterday, however, I was returning a couple of things at TJ Maxx and came across this adorable dog bed built for two for only $24. They’re still a little confused by it (it’s very springy, and Lucy bounces right off), but I have visions of double-dog snuggle sessions happening in the near future.

Also, Virgil most definitely cannot see. Grooming imminent.

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