Posts Tagged: Restaurants


Ramshackle Glam / Best Of NYC

I get a few emails every week from readers who are planning to visit NYC in the near future, and who are looking for some recs for places to shop, eat, and grab a drink. Here's the post I wrote on my top NYC recs last summer, with a few new additions:


Weekend Snapshots

I feel like I - or, rather, all of us - deserve a medal for how much walking happened on Saturday. We're talking 9 solid hours of movement, with only brief stops here and there for eating/drinking purposes. Wow, did I ever pay for it the next day (hello, sciatica!)...but it was so fun.


Il Cantuccio Lunch

For awhile now, Francesca's been telling me about this amazing Tuscan restaurant on Christopher and Bleecker that she's been going to for lunch called Il Cantuccio (above, she's with one of the owners, Camilla).


Weekend Snapshots

I've been crashing a bit earlier than usual lately, which would ordinarily be sort of annoying...but now that the weather's changing all that means is I bounce out of bed bright and early with an enormously long day ahead of me.

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