Posts Tagged: Lucy


Biscuits & Bath

This afternoon, I dropped Lucy off at the First Avenue Biscuits & Bath for a grooming (this time, Donald did the honors). I think she looks just lovely (and, OK, maybe a little grumpy in this shot).

This is the second time that Lucy’s been groomed at Biscuits & Bath, and I have to say, I continue to be impressed by how incredibly nice everyone is there. The employees seem to greet every single dog that walks through the door by name, and while I waited they told me adorable stories about some of the boarders. Their affection for their charges is just so obvious that even I, who am a slightly overprotective owner, feel perfectly safe leaving Lucy in their hands.

Huh. Looking at the Biscuits & Bath post from September, I just realized that I am wearing almost exactly the same thing that I did on my first appointment, braids and all (except that I swapped out the Pro Italia hat for Kendrick’s beat-up Indians one, and am wearing a grey sweater instead of a grey t-shirt). Kind of unsurprising, though, given that yeah, this is pretty much what I look like 100% of the time that I’m laying around the house. I am a creature of habit.

Service generously provided gratis by management. 


Lilly (right) and Lucy are having a playdate today while Julia attends the Wharton conference. This is the first minute. By the third, Lilly was under the couch and Lucy was asleep on top of it. Young love. So fickle.

On the agenda today: a double-walk, and then a bath-for-two (sounds like more fun than I think it’ll turn out to be).


Monday-night Mad Men (my first time ever watching the show…I know, I know) with Stephen, Dave, Kendrick and Lucy. Stephen and Dave were rapt; Lucy, as evidenced by the absolutely enormous yawn, was less so.


While Lucy was getting groomed, I watched the dogs run around the play area (there’s a separate area, called “Tiny Tots” - aww - for smaller dogs). I fell in love with the Bernese pictured above, who is also named Lucy.

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