Posts Tagged: BetterTV


BetterTV Shoot #5: Restaurants

For our very last shoot, we headed over to Lotus Restaurant, where I discovered that I am really not very good at the cooking technique pictured above (I believe it's called teppanyaki style...the showy, flippy thing they do at Benihana's). I basically pushed some vegetables around, and then gave up and handed it over to the master. I did, however, learn a totally simple recipe for vegetable fried rice.


BetterTV Shoot #4: Destination Weddings

When I got engaged, I was still living in LA and "working" (a loose term) as an actress, and when I told my acting coach that I was getting married, he said this: "If you ever listen to anything I say, listen to me now: do NOT have a big wedding. Take ten friends, fly to the Caribbean, and spend a week living it up."

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