

Cor Silver Giveaway!


Remember a few months back, when I raved about Cor Silver Soap? Here's a refresher, if you don't:

"OK, so this definitely falls into the Luxury Purchase category, but sometimes we all need a little luxury, no? The gift bag for the Ted Gibson Cocktails & Couture party that I attended the other night contained a sample of Cor Silver Soap, which contains something called “nano-silver”…and retails for a jaw-dropping $125 a bar. Lord.

A price tag like that would generally make me hesitant to crack open the packaging, but I was dying to know what soap this expensive would be like, so crack it open I did. I’ve been using Cor every day since…and it’s great. The theory behind the soap is that it’s one-step skincare: it cleans and moisturizes your skin, reduces the appearance of pores and fine lines, and enhances cellular repair (that would be the job of the nano-silver). Also, it contains sericin silk, which I’ve never heard of but apparently provides you with SPF 15 protection; very cool, considering that I forget to apply sunscreen 99% of the time (I know, bad).

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