

Temporary Fabric “Wallpaper”

Click here for Lifehacker's instructions on how to add temporary color to your walls using fabric - you can either "wallpaper" a wall (or an entire room) or just add a few decorative accents.

All you need: fabric, starch, and a sponge or roller. And a razor knife (or sharp scissors) if you're planning on cutting out accent pieces. That's it!

Such a cool idea, and so perfect for renters.

Thanks to Alana for the link!


The Very Best Kind Of Delivery

Among the many lovely things about my niece...

...the fact that she is a card-carrying Girl Scout ranks highly.

I went for a box each of Samoas, Thin Mints, and Tagalongs, and took Lexie's rec on the fourth (Dulce de Leches, which I'm excited to try - they weren't around when I was a Girl Scout). They're all happily percolating in the freezer as we speak (did you know that Girl Scout cookies are best eaten frozen? True story).


Reader Question / More For Mary Than For Me

Reader Elaine recently sent me the following question:

Jordan, have you ever come across anything that works to truly tone/flatten the dreaded tummy area? After three kids the skin is so stretched it's depressing. I saw your wrinkle cream posting and I don't need much encouragement to buy lotions & potions so my wallet thanks you!! Anyway I thought you may have some ideas for me. Thanks a million!

And I tried to answer as best I could...

Hey Elaine!


Ramshackle Glam Tumblr

An FYI for those of you who don't already know: I have a Tumblr that I update frequently throughout the day (and on weekends). I also repost most of the content from this site on my Tumblr so that those of you who just read blogs off of your dashboards can get it more easily.

Click here to check it out.

Thanks to freelance graphic designer Sarah Dyrleif for the logo design!

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