

As a Lifecaster, I get my photo taken a lot (and by this I mean: “Excuse me? Hi. Would you mind taking my picture while I x?”). Since Kendrick is often the one tasked with taking the shots of me, I thought for Christmas a nice gift would be to set up a photo session for both of us. Also, I thought that the shots might end up being very special to our kids - I love old pictures of my mom and dad.

Lucky for me, this incredible photographer, Cathrine Westergaard, offered to do the shoot with us…and to bring over her friends to do hair, makeup, and styling. I’m not sure how Kendrick will react to things like concealer and blow-dryers, but I am SO excited.

(Above, the cinnamon rolls and tea sandwiches I made for our visitors, along with the pink roses that Kendrick brought me last night.)


Thanks to readers Jaclyn and Julie for letting me know about this awesome DIY furniture idea from Littlegreennotebook: Silver Leaf Dressers!

Go here for a really great play-by-play on how to transform your ordinary wooden furniture into glam, art deco pieces like the one above.


Your morning cooking tip:

When frying bacon, do not place the tines of the fork you just used to flip it against your tongue. The tines will be hot.

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