
Refresh All The Things

This is a sponsored conversation written by me on behalf of Charmin.

The opinions and text are all mine.

I LOVE Spring cleaning. Few things, in fact, make me happier than flying through my house like the proverbial dervish, and scrubbing, bleaching, wiping, dusting, throwing out or donating everything in my path. I’m serious: when I look at my countertops, I want to see actual sparkles.

So there’s the getting-rid-of-stuff part of Spring cleaning, and the cleaning-of-stuff part of Spring cleaning, but there’s also a third component: the replacing-of-stuff part of Spring cleaning. Stocking up on the essentials (and storing them neatly, obbbbviously) to prepare for a new season of doing things that are much more fun than worrying about whether or not you’re out of, say, toilet paper.

As you can see, whether or not I have enough toilet paper is something I’m not especially concerned about at this particular moment. Amazon is offering $3 off of Charmin Ultra Strong Clean Touch and Charmin Ultra Soft Cushiony Touch Toilet Paper – whichever you prefer — using the promo code 3MEGACHARMIN. Both 24-count Mega Family Rolls are sold exclusively on Amazon, and you can also apply a $2 coupon to the order for a total savings of $5. Short story: This is pretty much the best deal out there and will result in you having enough toilet paper hanging around until Christmas, at least. (Unless you have male children, in which case…I don’t know. Maybe like a week?)

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This post was created in collaboration with Charmin and TapInfluence. Thank you for supporting the brands that keep Ramshackle Glam ticking! 

Mitz Kids Dress | Rustica Hardware Marfa Door | Photography by Kim Ebbets.

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