
Links & Love & Stuff

:) Click over to My Habit for an interview by Ranya Barrett in which I reveal all my habits: the (kind of) good, the (extremely) bad, and the ones that have to do with cheese (which is far too many of them) – plus fashion rules you should break, like, immediately, and a defining moment in my career that just happened.

:) Just picked up these striped shorts in preparation for summer and they are PERFECT – they hit at the most flattering spot on your waist, and are short without being too short. (Bought a similar-fitting pair in denim too because they’re perfect and because 99% of my cutoffs have had the biscuit.)

:) I am OBSESSED with these DIY Onesie Embroidery Kits. They’re so, so cute, and such a cool, unique gift for a mom-to-be or new mom.

:) These Birkenstocks are perfect (and as much as I love the original – have to admit these are way chicer).

:) We talk a lot about how terrible people can be. This is a nice reminder that the opposite is so often true, as well. (An Open Letter To The Whole Foods Shoppers Who Consoled Me When I Learned Of My Dad’s Suicide, via WashingtonPost.)

:) 15K for a dress for a four-year-old. Makes perfect sense.

:) Apparently there is a new color on the planet. A color that, were it used to make a dress, would make your head, arms and legs appear to be floating around a hole. Obviously I would like to own this please. (Scientists Discovered A Color Even Darker Than Black, via Death and Taxes.)

The glam camp mom bod sweatshirt

:) I can’t take this sweatshirt off. It’s too comfortable.

:) For those of you (myself included) who didn’t quite understand why Bernie’s Michigan win was such a big deal, this article breaks it down for you (via FiveThirtyEight).

:) I spotted this belted denim skirt over the weekend and am presently obsessed and trying to figure out if I can make one myself. This would probably require something in the way of sewing skills, but I like it so much I may have to try. (The look is also available in a trouser style.)

:) Apparently Pinterest is all aflutter over something called Texas Trash Dip. I may have to take one for the team and try it myself. Only if I have to, of course. #yarrr #allofthecheese

:) Francesca stayed with us over the weekend and kind of knocked it out of the park with the gift she brought our kids. Also ew.

:) This list of Lower East Side must-dos by The Standard Hotel is pretty phenomenal. Russian baths and sake bars and bare-bones music venues, oh my.

:) Loved Sarah Hyland’s outfit for the Kids’ Choice Awards (via The Gloss).

:) The argument for taking all our constant celebrating down a notch (can I get a “hell yes” to the abolishment of Easter egg-dyeing?). (Let’s Stop Overdoing It On The Holidays, by Claire Zulkey for Mom.Me.)

:) Surely you’ve seen the Unicorn Poop commercial. You know, the one my husband is in? There’s also a pretty fascinating behind the scenes video about how the people behind the Squatty Potty created the most amazing commercial ever.

Glitter and Bubbles interview with Jordan Reid

:) Over on Glitter & Bubbles is an interview in which I talk phenomenal lipsticks, favorite pieces of baby gear, and the secret obsession that’s forcing me to find more friends. (Also isn’t that the cutest illustration ever??!)

:) Who knew Easter eggs could be chic? Here is a DIY Pysanky egg-dyeing tutorial, for those of you who are into this kind of thing.

:) “If you’re coming onto my feed to tell me I’m overweight, clearly you’re unoriginal and haven’t thought about the fact that I own a mirror or that I’m aware of my body…Say something other than, ‘You’re fat.’ I know that. Everyone knows that. The people on my feed know that. That’s why they’re here.” Really great read on body confidence, social media shaming, and figuring out how to love yourself by Kristin Booker (Love Yourself: An Interview with Sarah Conley, via Hope & Grace).

:) “Rig up an elaborate system of black-out shades in the bedroom. It will involve aluminum foil, school glue, and your salty, salty tears. Post that shit on Pinterest.” (10 Simple Tips for Adjusting to Daylight Savings, via HuffPo.)

:) Today in cool ideas: stud earrings designed to secure a headphone wire in place.

:) Rachel Maddow puts Trump on blast about his glorification of violence, and it is AMAZING and everything you wanted to hear someone say (via IfYouOnlyKnow).

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