
A Little Help Over Here?

(Kel, if you’re wondering, is Kendrick’s nickname – his dad made him that stool when he was little.)

Alright, so yesterday I showed you all those little things about our new place that I love…and now I’m going to show you a room that I very seriously do not like even a tiny bit.

Our bathroom.

It’s not especially old or falling apart or anything like that; it’s just really…not me. It’s sort of dark and dreary (there’s a skylight, and for some reason these photos look fairly bright, but trust me: it’s not), and overall not the kind of place where you want to spend a lot of time – and you better believe I plan to spend a LOT of time there in the future, because oh my bathtub.

white bathtub

What’s exciting about this, though, is that I don’t like anything about it – the tub is too shallow, the corner cabinet is weirdly narrow and doesn’t actually hold much, the mirror looks awkward in the space, the paint color is too dark – which means it’s a blank slate. Which is SO much fun. (I’m not even kidding when I tell you that a crazy retro bathroom with pink flamingos on the walls is completely and totally on the table.)

I’m putting a few Pinterest-sourced images below of looks I’m into – you can see I’m kind of all over the place with what I like (although I feel like black, white and green might be the colors I want to go with). So seriously: help? I think this has the potential to be such a fun redo, and I’m dying to hear your ideas.


green tile bathroom

P.S. If you want to see more, you can check out my Bathroom Ideas & Inspiration Pinterest board here.

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